NSCRO has been providing humanitarian and longer term of food security and livelihood assistance in Herat and Ghor western Afghanistan. NSCRO is a NGO led by an Afghan woman. The organization addresses the urgent needs and provide protection services to those families who are practicing negative coping strategies such early child arranged marriage, child labor and child exploitation in western region provinces. Through NSCRO services, the communication for behavior and mind changes is highly valued and followed to enhance the awareness and responsiveness o families and communities.
NSCRO provides livelihood support to those vulnerable families to re-build their livelihood and assist them to have income and be self-sufficient.
Prolonged war and insecurity in association with very poor rule of law, corruption, and illiteracy has fostered the culture of violence, rights violation and revenge. The first step toward peace and prosperity is to have peaceful, law oriented and enforced formal and informal justice mechanism. Conflict resolution and peace building in one main working sector o NSCRO to contribute in strengthening community cohesion and peaceful coexistence.
Human rights, including women’s right, rights of children, PWDs and other vulnerable groups is one of working sector o NSCRO.
NSCRO has already started to be member of clusters such Protection, CPiE, GBV, WASH and FSAC. The membership process is ongoing.
- Expanding the emergency response activities including food security to all vulnerable families associated with recovery and development services.
- Expanding the livelihood support to at least 4 provinces and 20 districts in western region.
- Expanding the NSDCO activities in the sector of WASH particularly the hygiene promotion.
- Active participation in cluster meetings, joint assessment and surveys lead by UNOCHA and clusters.
- Expanding the NSCRO activities in the sector of education particularly education in emergency.
- Strengthening the PSS counselling and referral services for GBV survivors (women, boys, girls).
- Strengthening organizational development of NSCRO by upgrading the systems, procedures, polices and performances.